Future-Proof Leadership

Learn Lead Lift is the future-focused guide to leadership you’ll pick up and return to time and time again. In this easy-to-read and actionable how-to guide, you’ll access relatable, practical and immediately useful tools for leading business transformation.

About The Book

Successful organizations today are increasingly aware they must continuously change and evolve to remain relevant, and a key part of every leader’s role is to build their individual and organizational capacity for ongoing transformation. Learn Lead Lift offers a nod to some of the greatest thought leaders of our time while illuminating author Ryan’s unique insights and frameworks for success that all leaders can grow from. It provides a clear-eyed view into what it means to be a leader today – the must-have mindsets, skill sets and behaviors you need to lead business transformations, no matter whether you are just starting out or have been in a leadership role for years. Ryan illustrates her ideas through fascinating true stories from her work and interviews with artists and entrepreneurs, athletes and investors, educators and executives, and more.

“Brave, compelling and thoroughly original! Author Wendy Ryan challenges our traditional notions of leadership like no one else. Read Learn Lead Lift and take your own leadership skills to the next level! ”

Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers 50 #1 Executive Coach and only two-time #1 Leadership Thinker in the world.

About The Book

Successful organizations today are increasingly aware they must continuously change and evolve to remain relevant, and a key part of every leader’s role is to build their individual and organizational capacity for ongoing transformation. Learn Lead Lift offers a nod to some of the greatest thought leaders of our time while illuminating author Ryan’s unique insights and frameworks for success that all leaders can grow from. It provides a clear-eyed view into what it means to be a leader today – the must-have mindsets, skill sets and behaviors you need to lead business transformations, no matter whether you are just starting out or have been in a leadership role for years. Ryan illustrates her ideas through fascinating true stories from her work and interviews with artists and entrepreneurs, athletes and investors, educators and executives, and more.

“Brave, compelling and thoroughly original! Author Wendy Ryan challenges our traditional notions of leadership like no one else. Read Learn Lead Lift and take your own leadership skills to the next level! ”

Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers 50 #1 Executive Coach and only two-time #1 Leadership Thinker in the world.

What Readers Will Learn

Leadership examples experienced via the author’s work, and interviews with artists and entrepreneurs, athletes and investors, educators and executives, and more.

The 3T Model® – author Ryan developed this empowering mindset for leaders, which supports decision making and resource allocation by Tolerating, Transforming or Transcending.

A nod to some of the greatest thought leaders of our time while illuminating author Ryan’s unique insights and frameworks for success that all leaders can grow from.
A clear-eyed view into what it means to be a leader today – the must-have mindsets, skill sets and behaviors you need to make a positive impact through leadership, whether you are just starting out or have been in a leadership role for years.


Learn Lead Lift is a must-read for everyone—even people who don’t consider themselves traditional leaders. In this hands-on guide, author Wendy Ryan captures the mindsets, skill sets and behaviors that anyone can adopt to become a better leader.

– Beverly Kaye, Co-Author of Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go and Up is Not the Only Way

In Learn Lead Lift, Wendy Ryan offers an unflinching look at what’s required to be an effective leader today. Filled with stories, examples, actionable strategies and challenges, this book is essential reading for anyone aspiring to (or already in) leadership.

– Julie Winkle Giulioni, Co-Author, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want

Learn Lead Lift is truly a one-stop shop for leveling up all your leadership competencies—regardless of your job title or specific industry. Leveraging her time-tested expertise, Wendy Ryan has created a unique how-to guide for leaders that is simultaneously engaging, innovative, and accessible. Anyone wise enough to pick up this book will undoubtedly benefit from the transformative journey through which Wendy guides us.

– Jennifer Brown, Author of How to Be an Inclusive Leader: Your Role in Creating Cultures of Belonging Where Everyone Can Thrive and Inclusion: Diversity, The New Workplace and The Will to Change

Wendy created The Learn Lead Lift Framework®, introduced in her award-winning and bestselling book, Learn Lead Lift:  How to Think, Act, and Inspire Your Way to Greatness.  As CEO of Kadabra, Wendy leads an interdisciplinary team of experts who are revolutionizing how leaders think, what they do and how they show up to others through The Learn Lead Lift Framework® and Kadabra’s unique learning solutions In addition to her work with Kadabra, Wendy advises and invests in early-stage companies.   Her impact facilitating access to capital for historically excluded entrepreneurs is featured in the documentary film, Show Her The Money.   Wendy was an executive producer for the film along with Emmy award-winning actor, Sharon Gless. Throughout her 25+ year career in human resources, organizational development and executive development Wendy has partnered with hundreds of individuals, teams and organizations globally, propelling front-line through C-suite leaders and board members to new levels of success.

Wendy created The Learn Lead Lift Framework®, introduced in her award-winning and bestselling book, Learn Lead Lift:  How to Think, Act, and Inspire Your Way to Greatness.  As CEO of Kadabra, Wendy leads an interdisciplinary team of experts who are revolutionizing how leaders think, what they do and how they show up to others through The Learn Lead Lift Framework® and Kadabra’s unique learning solutions


In addition to her work with Kadabra, Wendy advises and invests in early-stage companies.   Her impact facilitating access to capital for historically excluded entrepreneurs is featured in the documentary film, Show Her The Money.   Wendy was an executive producer for the film along with Emmy award-winning actor, Sharon Gless.

Throughout her 25+ year career in human resources, organizational development and executive development Wendy has partnered with hundreds of individuals, teams and organizations globally, propelling front-line through C-suite leaders and board members to new levels of success.

Discovery Cards

  • Instructions for six different card exercises
  • Pre-printed Element cards with definitions
  • Blank Element cards to customize your stack
  • Model cards with application tips
  • Wild cards to extend your experience digitally
  • Access to the Learn Lead Lift Discovery Portal

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ISBN-13: 9781735258560 (Paperback); 9781735258553 (eBook)

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